Sunday, September 20, 2015

It's Never Too Early Prepare For The Day You Buy Your Home!

Bad Credit + Insurance = Higher Payment

You’re probably already aware that credit scores are a major factor when you’re buying a home, because your credit score affects the interest rate you get on your mortgage. Considering how big home loans are, a few credit score points could translate into a slightly higher rate, which ultimately can add up to thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan.

Of course, there are many more expenses that come with buying a house than taking out a mortgage. Pretty much everyone takes out homeowners insurance, which can—on average—tack on nearly $100 or so to your monthly homeownership expenses. On top of that, you could be paying higher insurance premiums just because you don’t have a good credit score (here’s an explanation of what qualifies as a “good” credit score).

Across the U.S., homeowners might pay 32% more in annual homeowners insurance premiums if they have fair credit, as opposed to excellent credit, according to a survey from

If you have poor credit, your homeowners insurance can cost twice as much as it would if you had excellent credit. Most states allow insurance underwriters to consider credit history when determining home insurance premiums

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