Tuesday, February 16, 2016

There is such thing as Winter Curb Appeal!

How to Up Your Winter Curb Appeal


Regardless of the season, your home should make a good first impression on potential home buyers. Here are some helpful tips for boosting your home’s curb appeal during the winter months.
Light It Up
With less sunshine and shorter days, adding outdoor lighting to your home will help illuminate it and could make it more inviting to buyers. Lighting the pathway to your front door and highlighting any features unique to your home may increase your home’s curb appeal.
Plan for Snow
Depending on where you live, you may get some (or quite a bit) of snow during winter. Your home’s aesthetic could benefit from having a neatly cleared driveway and walkway. It may also be helpful to avoid piling up shoveled snow into unsightly mounds while clearing it. Try using salt to melt snow and checking weather forecasts to prepare for heavy snowfall.
Add Winter Plants
Don’t let winter weather mean the end of your garden. Adding evergreen or winter-blooming plants can inject color into the white and gray winter landscape and make your home stand out. Flowers such as witch hazel, winter jasmine, and pansies can thrive and add color all winter.
Eliminate the Ice
Ice can be a problem in terms of both safety and curb appeal. Icy grounds can be a slipping hazard and hanging icicles can detach at any moment. Moreover, sharp and dangerous looking icicles attached to your home’s roof and gutters don’t make your home seem inviting to home buyers. Be sure to salt your walkway and safely clear ominous looking icicles.
Update Your Door
A front door that appears to be in need of a fresh coat of paint or refurbishing can deter home buyers. Your front door should be in pristine condition, and in the winter months it could benefit from a splash of vibrant color to juxtapose the sparsely colored winter season.
Don’t let winter freeze up your home’s curb appeal. Follow these helpful tips and you may make your home as appealing now as it is the rest of the year.

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