Friday, November 29, 2013

I'll always remember making these for Grandpa at Christmas!

Tom & Jerry Holiday Drink

This makes about 12 cups:
  • 12 eggs, room temperature & separated
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 pound butter, room temperature
  • 3 pounds confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice

Whipped Egg Whites
I started out beating egg whites and salt in a KitchenAid mixer. Since it was stainless steel, I read this causes a chemical reaction that might affect the ability of the egg whites to hold their stiffness so I added the 1/2 teaspoon Cream of Tartar. If you’re using a glass bowl you might be able to skip the tartar. Make sure to lift your beater or whisk straight up once in a while. If it’s ready the egg whites will form sharp peaks that holds their shape.

While that was going, I used a hand mixer to beat the egg yolks in a separate bowl.

Once you have those bowls done, beat together butter and confectioners’ sugar in the largest bowl you have. This made a bit of a mess and never really got light and fluffy like the original recipe said it would. In any case, I blended the whipped egg yolks and vanilla to the butter mixture. As this was happening, I also stirred in the nutmeg, cloves, allspice, and the egg whites – beat this well until you have a nice batter.

I split the batch into two tupperware containers, one to put in the fridge and the other went into the freezer (the batter can be frozen up until Christmas).

To make the actual Tom and Jerry drink, start with two tablespoons of batter in a large mug. Add 3/4 shot of Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum and another  3/4 shot of Korbel Brandy. Add hot water until full and stir your tasty beverage until batter is dissolved and frothy. Top off with a shake of nutmeg.
Watch out, this is a tasty drink and will sneak up on you if you’re not careful.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

An Average Girl - Can't I just buy new clothes...?

I am currently doing the ever so dreaded chore we like to call: laundry. I
mean does it ever end?! And I am just one person, I am hiring a laundry
lady when (or if) I ever get married and have kids. We will talk about
that situation in a different post, but my mom is convinced I will die
alone by the fact that she suggests a new way of meeting men every time
we talk (which is pretty much every day).

Okay back to the laundry talk, actually as weird as it sounds I love doing
laundry. But my gosh, can someone please come put it away for me?
Yes you heard that right, I actually like doing it.. I don’t know if it goes
back to when I had to share a handful of washers/dryers with a 15 story
apartment complex.. And people would throw your clean, wet laundry
on the floor if you didn’t switch it to the dryer within 5 minutes… And it
cost $1.50 to wash and dry (AND THAT’S EACH!).. $3 for clean clothes,
didn’t they know I was a broke college student..

Maybe it is the luxury of having a personal washer and dryer in my
apartment now, but yes I love the ever-dreaded task. Weird, maybe?!
However, if I could just wear stuff out of the dryer and not have to fold
and put it away, that would be glorious.

I think I have a problem too; I literally refuse to re-wear anything, jeans
especially… Although, I have gotten better than my college days when I
owned 10 towels because I used a new one every time I showered.
So if anyone wants me to do their laundry for them, I would gladly
exchange that for you cleaning my shower (ahhh if there is one chore I
hate…) or taking out my garbage (it’s so far away!).. I am your girl!

Dancing with the stars wrap!

DWTS 11-25 Final show part 1

This week all of the stars performed 2 full dances plus a Samba Relay.  The Samba Relay was worth 5 pts for best couple down to 2 pts for lowest couple.  Both full dances performed have a possible 30 points each, so total possible points for the evening is 65.

The night was kicked off by Kellie Pickler singing Little Bit Gypsy.  Kellie was also on hand all night long to give her unique perspective to what the couples were feeling as the evening progressed and her opinion of the dances.

The full dances were a Judge’s Pick and the Freestyle.  The Judge’s Pick was a dance that the couple had done earlier in the season.  The judges went to practice to watch them and point out the things that the judges were going to be looking for and the things the star could do to improve.

The dances were kicked off by Bill & Emma with their Viennese Waltz.  The judges wanted to see improvement on fluidity, rhythm and timing.  Len went to help Bill with his dance.  He pointed out that when Bill is off time he’s ahead of the music instead of behind it because he’s so intent on what he’s doing.  Their waltz was very pretty and his fluidity was much better; his rhythm had improved but his timing still was lacking.  They scored 8-8-8 for a 24.

Next were Corbin & Karina with their Quick Step.  The first time they did it they were more hectic and lacked control.  Len again visited and coached Corbin, showing what they wanted.  The results were mixed from the judges.  Len said he saw more control and areas in the dance where it was quick-quick-slow-quick-quick, Bruno pointed out that they were out of sync in an area, and Carrie Ann said she didn’t see much improvement from last time.  They scored 9-9-9 for a 27.

Jack & Cheryl followed with a Jive.  Bruno went to show Jack how by changing where he bounced on his feet the whole stance of his dance would change also.  Jack had been doing his kicks & flicks flatfooted with his weight more balanced on his heels.  By changing his weight forward to the balls of his foot he was able to keep everything sharper.  Unfortunately, Jack was concentrating so hard on his kicks & flicks that his timing went south.  They actually scored lower this time on their Jive than they did before, getting 8-8-8 for a 24.
Finishing out the Judge’s Pick dance were Amber & Derek with a Charleston.  They last did the Charleston in week 3, and Amber had trouble keeping up with the fast pace of it.  Carrie Ann coached the couple, watching the rehearsal and stopping them in mid step to point out things that needed correcting because that’s what the judges would focus on.  Amber is very coachable, and throws herself into making the changes that the judges comment on.  They were way more in sync than the first dance, and they were the most improved Judges’ Pick dancers, scoring 10-10-10 for a 30.

The Samba Relay came next.  All 4 couples danced to the same song, but they didn’t do separate routines.  Each couple did ¼ of the song, transitioning in and out with the other couples.  Jack & Cheryl started the dance, followed by Amber & Derek who were followed by Bill & Emma and the dance closed with Corbin & Karina.  After their poor first dance, Jack & Cheryl admirably shook off what they did and attacked their dance.  They were still not quite there, but much better than the first dance.  Amber & Derek were very good, with excellent Samba Rolls (which they did better than their first Samba).  Bill & Emma were quite cautious, wanting to do well but not try for too much which could result in poor timing.  Their transition in was the most fun, as Emma & Amber danced together as did Bill & Derek.  Corbin & Karina wowed everyone with their finale.  This was the first Samba that Corbin had done so he didn’t have anything to fall back on.

Scores for Samba Relay were – 5 pts Corbin & Karina; 4 pts Amber & Derek; 3 pts Jack & Cheryl; and 2 pts Bill & Emma

Everyone’s favorite dance finished out the evening.  The Freestyle can be one dance, multiple dances, or something totally different from what they had been doing all season.  Jumps, props, lifts, and extra dancers are all legal.  The only couple not to incorporate extra dancers was Bill & Emma which was a smart move because it requires a strong dancer to hold their own with the extra people.

Bill and Emma’s freestyle was to the theme from Indiana Jones.  Bill did the beginning scene where Indiana Jones swapped out a weighted pouch for an idol but the temple released a stone to trample him.  Bill’s ‘idol’ was the mirror ball trophy and the ‘stone’ was a computer animated mirror ball rolling down the band’s steps coming after him.  They fused a Paso Doble into their freestyle and used a whip (real or imitation I couldn’t say) as part of the prop during their dance.  It was fun to watch, and at the end Bill took his shirt and tossed it.  Carrie Ann almost fell off her chair she was laughing so hard.  Tom Bergeron said ‘for those of us with a one-pack, we thank you!’  The dance was entertaining and ‘insanely good fun’.  They scored their highest of the season 8-9-8 for 25.  Their cumulative total was a 51.

Corbin & Karina did a freestyle to Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal.  They traveled to Las Vegas to work with Michael’s choreographer and worked with some of the Cirque de Soleil dancers; incorporating some of the Cirque moves into the routine.  There is always an element of danger doing moves that are so iconic or linked so strongly to one person, but Corbin nailed it.  The judges commented on the Michael Jackson moves with the ballroom touches.  And they received a standing ovation from Len.  They scored a 10-10-10 for a 30, with a cumulative score of 62.

Jack & Cheryl did a dancing review of the season, using Jack’s strongest dances.  The song was ‘Putting On My Top Hat’ and they did it like an old Hollywood Revue.  Cheryl choreographed a very strong routine, and Jack had to either rise to it or go down in flames and he rose like a hot air balloon.  At the end, Cheryl was in tears listening to the rave reviews from the judges.  They said his family should be so proud of him; that the piece was a showstopper and Cheryl should be applauded for her choreography (that brought extra tears) and that it should be Hooray For Jack!  They scored 10-10-10 for a 30, with a cumulative score of 57.  Here’s where their mistake in the first dance really hurt them!

Amber and Derek finished out with a freestyle that incorporated stepping.  Amber had been part of a stepping team when she was in junior high/high school and Derek wanted to show that off.  He had never done it before, and she ended up showing them the routine.  There were portions that she had to take out because Derek said he couldn’t do it (Tom ribbed him about that one!).  There were about 4 other pro’s dancing with them, with Amber being the only lady.  Len said that the whole number was about Amber, Bruno commented that she was definitely the leading lady of the routine, and Carrie Ann remarked that She was in control of the pro dancers, and that the whole time she had been riveted by Amber and only noticed the men in the background.  They scored 10-10-10 for a 30, with a cumulative score of 64.  They had the high score of the evening.

Tonight Bill & Emma were voted off.  They were quite ready for it, in fact Bill was thankful.
Tuesday night each of the remaining couples has to do a new dance.  They will have to have 2 elements in the dance that they only learned about at the end of the show, and it was picked for them by another couple.


Do you remember that dessert?

National Cake Day... YES PLEASE!




Eat Cake! Twelve facts about cake!



Twelve facts about cake:

1.  In Roman times, eggs and butter were often added to basic bread to give a consistency that we would recognize as cake-like, and honey was used as a sweetener. The distinction between Roman concepts of cake and bread was therefore very blurred.

2.  The ‘cakewalk’ dance originated in African American communities in the Southern United States and was originally a competition in graceful walking, with cake awarded as a prize.

3.  According to The Diner’s Dictionary, the proverb ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it’ first appears as early as the 16th century, however, the proverb ‘a piece of cake’ was not coined until the 20th century and is possibly related to the cakewalk competition.

4.  The word ‘cake’ comes from Middle English kake, and is probably a borrowing from Old Norse (compare the modern Norwegian kake, as well as Icelandic and Swedish kaka). It is also related to the German word for cake, Kuchen. Interestingly, the French, Spanish, and Italian words for ‘cake’ do not share a common root; they are gâteau, pastel, and torta respectively. They are, however, related to the

5.  The meaning of ‘cake’ has changed over time, and the first cake (according to the original Oxford English Dictionary definition), was:
‘A comparatively small flattened sort of bread, round, oval, or otherwise regularly shaped, and usually baked hard on both sides by being turned during the process.’

6.  The Oxford Dictionary of Superstitions cites examples of cakes being made for superstitious reasons. A ‘soul cake’, in various parts of England, is made on All Souls’ Day and kept for good luck, while a ‘burial cake’ was kept close to the head of a dead person, and one had to have a piece of the cake in one’s mouth when looking at the body.

7.  The French word for cake – gateau – entered the English language in the 19th century and was often used to refer to a savoury dish that included meat. The OED has citations for ‘veal gateau’ and ‘fish gateau’.

8.  The famous saying, ‘let them eat cake’, was attributed to Marie Antoinette upon learning that her people had no bread, but the saying was probably much older. In his Confessions, Rousseau refers to a similar remark being a well-known saying, and another version ‘why don’t they eat pastry?’ is attributed to Marie Thérèse, who was born more than a century before Marie Antoinette.

9.  The original cup-cakes were so called because they were cakes made from ingredients measured by the cupful, and a citation in the OED from 1887 reads, ‘Mis’Steele made some cup-cake to-day. . . She put a cup of butter and two whole cups of sugar in it.’

10.  In Scotland, and parts of Wales and northern England, cake took on the specific meaning of ‘a thick, hard biscuit made from oatmeal’. From the 17th to 19th centuries, Scotland was humorously known as the ‘Land of Cakes’ and until comparatively recently, according to The Diner’s DictionaryHogmanay was also known as ‘Cake Day’ from the custom of calling on people’s houses at New Year and having cake.

11.  The French language has borrowed the word ‘cake’ to refer to various sorts of rich fruit cake.

12.  Birthdays used to be celebrated quite differently, as the first birthday cake was originally a cake given as an offering on a person’s birthday. The first citation of ‘birthday cake’ in the OED, from 1785, reads ‘His birth-day cakes crowd on him in such store, The house abounds.’


Friday, November 22, 2013

Way to go Winneconne!

Stephen is playing for $1000

Hunger Games is JP Approved!

It's a Holiday Niznanski Scat

The Snuggle Me Carson Doll is a No Go!

I'm going to the kitchen and doing this right now! Oreos and PB!!

Studio Confessional! Good Morning! C~

Your Average Girl... It's time to open my own garage...

I hate to feed into the stereotype that women are bad drivers, but I admit I am not
good.. It’s getting to the point of ridiculous how bad my luck is..
No shame, I am going to blame it on luck… Okay fine, it’s probably just me.
Anyway, got my SECOND flat tire in a week, honestly how does that happen.. Driving
to work and thump, thump, thump…

And to make matters worse, I had just gotten into a fender bender last Sunday on
my way to the NASH FM tailgate at D2 Sports Pub.. Yes you can ask Carson, it’s not
that bad, but you can see the trailer hitch imprint in my license plate.

Any ladies out there know how to put on a spare? Kudos, because I am far from it.

Here’s the deal, I drove my first car for over 7 years, and there was not a spot on that
car that did not have a dent in it. Cut me a break, when I lived in Madison, people
would back into your car without a second thought to parallel-park. And then there

was the time I hit a tree, middle of the day, perfectly sunny day.. Not my finest moment... 
And the semi that cut me off in snow and made me spin around 5 times on the highway 
and stop by hitting a guardrail.

We at that point decided that car was cursed and it was time for a new one. So just
got a new car in January, but nope it was just me.. So far in 10 months of having the
car, I’ve had 3 flat tires, a broken off mirror, replaced brakes, and now a trailer hitch
I am thinking if I put one more dollar in that car this year, I would be better off just
opening a garage so I can get things fixed for free. My stepmom says the first thing she 

would buy if she won the lottery was a personal driver for me, anyone willing to donate
 to the cause?!


Your average terrible girl driver...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Holiday Television Schedule Nov 28th - Dec 3rd

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Nov 28, 8PM
Lady Gaga & The Muppets' Holiday Spectacular
Nov 28, 9:30PM
The National Tree
Nov 29, 1PM
Matchmaker Santa
Nov 29, 2PM
Eloise at Christmastime
Nov 29, 3PM
Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle
Nov 29, 4PM
The Ultimate Gift
Nov 29, 5PM
Debbie Macomber's Call Me Mrs. Miracle
Nov 29, 6PM
The National Tree
Nov 29, 7PM
How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 cartoon)
Nov 29, 8PM
Pete's Christmas
Nov 29, 8PM
Eloise at Christmastime
Nov 29, 9PM
A Christmas Wish
Nov 29, 10PM
Debbie Macomber's Mrs. Miracle
Nov 30, 8AM
Debbie Macomber's Call Me Mrs. Miracle
Nov 30, 10AM
Window Wonderland
Nov 30, 12PM
Fir Crazy
Nov 30, 2PM
Annie Claus is Coming to Town
Nov 30, 4PM
Hitched for the Holidays
Nov 30, 6PM
Let It Snow
Nov 30, 8PM
A Boyfriend for Christmas
Nov 30, 10PM
Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas
Dec 1, 7AM
Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas
Dec 1, 8:30AM
Santa Buddies
Dec 1, 10AM
The Family Man
Dec 1, 12PM
Christmas in Paradise
Dec 1, 1PM
Disney's A Christmas Carol
Dec 1, 3PM
The Polar Express
Dec 1, 5PM
A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride
Dec 1, 5PM
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Dec 1, 7PM
Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Dec 1, 9:30PM
On Strike for Christmas
Dec 2, 6PM
Winnie The Pooh And Christmas Too
Dec 2, 6PM
Mickey's Christmas Carol
Dec 2, 6:30PM
Jack Frost (1979 animated version)
Dec 2, 7PM
The Santa Clause
Dec 2, 8PM
CMA Country Christmas Hosted by Jennifer Nettles
Dec 2, 9PM
Call Me Claus
Dec 2, 10PM
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
Dec 2, 10PM
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
Dec 2, 12AM
An Accidental Christmas
Dec 3, 6PM
The Santa Clause
Dec 3, 6PM
Dec 3, 8PM
Christmas Angel
Dec 3, 8PM
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Dec 3, 10PM
A Christmas Wedding
Dec 3, 10PM

The Cake Boss is here!

Brian's doing it wrong!

Someone has a bun in the oven!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I need a potato masher!


Garth Brooks New Box Set

LOS ANGELES- NOVEMBER 13, 2013- Seven years ago, Garth Brooks and Walmart joined forces to release a boxed set that produced the #1 single and instant classic, "Good Ride Cowboy," a tribute to Chris LeDoux.  Also included in the deal, was Brooks' Ultimate Hits which made history when, "More Than a Memory" was released and produced the only single in country music history to ever debut at No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart, a record still unequaled. Now, with his latest offering, the Blame It All On My Roots boxed set, Garth Brooks has returned to the studio and recorded the music that influenced him and helped create the sound of Garth, which will no doubt make history again.

Energized by the last four years of his intimate, one-man show at the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas, playing the songs that inspired him growing up, Garth began creating and recording his own special versions of the tribute songs in his one-man show. Not only does the set feature Classic Country covers, but also, Classic Rock, Blue-Eyed Soul and songs from Garth's favorite singer-songwriters he calls "Melting Pot." Songs include covers of James Taylor, Gladys Knight, Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire,” Marvin Gaye’s “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” and more.

Billy Panda, a legendary Nashville sessions player said about the recordings, "One of the greatest entertainers, ever, doing over 40 of the greatest songs of all time..this is epic."

Once again, Garth has entered into an exclusive arrangement with Walmart. Garth Brooks said, "What a great luxury to have, the world's largest retailer as a partner to bring new music to the people! Walmart has been responsible for the majority of our record sales since I started selling music.  So it makes total sense that they are the exclusive place to get the new Garth music this Holiday season...Blame It All On My Roots!"

“Our customers love Garth Brooks and we’re glad to give them exclusive access to his newest album,” said Laura Phillips, Walmart’s senior vice president of Entertainment in the U.S. “As Walmart’s top-selling musical artist of all time, we know Garth’s new box set Blame It All On My Roots will be a gift millions of customers will give this Christmas.”

Included in the boxed set, Blame It All On My Roots:

·      Eight discs total, six CDs and two DVDs,
       over seven hours of entertainment including
       77 songs and a new photo booklet
·      Four new studio albums that include 44 cover
       songs from Garth's time at the Wynn Resort in
       Las Vegas that span genres including Classic
       Country, Classic Rock, Blue-Eyed Soul and
       Melting Pot.
·      A two hour DVD of Garth's Wynn performance.
·      Two CDs containing 33 songs from The Ultimate
       Hits (plus the bonus track, "Leave A Light On") and
       a DVD with music videos for the 33 song tracks.
·      The boxed set retails for $24.96 and is available
       exclusively at Wal-Mart, SAM’S CLUB and
About Garth Brooks
Certified by the RIAA in 2000 as the #1-selling solo artist in U.S. history, Garth Brooks has sold in excess of 128 million albums and has received every accolade the recording industry can bestow on an artist.
In 2001, Garth retired and moved back to Oklahoma to raise his children. In 2008 The President Elect, himself, requested that Garth headline President Obama's Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. A crowd of over 300,000 did the "wave" to Garth's performance of "Shout" while the President sang along. That same year the Governor of California asked Garth to help the State. Garth performed 5 concerts in 2 days with the proceeds from 83,000 tickets sold donated to efforts to prevent fire catastrophes. Portions of the live concerts were shown as a TV special, "Garth Brooks: Live in L.A." allowing viewers to donate as well.
In December 2010, Garth finished an astonishing 9 sold out concerts in 6 days to raise money for the flood relief efforts in Tennessee. ABC World News Tonight declared Garth The Person of the Week and the Mayor of Nashville announced that this was a record December for downtown Nashville merchants due to the over 145,000 who attended the concerts.
In January, 2012 he was named the best selling artist of the last two decades by Billboard, Nielson and Soundscan, with a whopping 68.5 million sales. Brooks also sold out his recent appearance at the 100th anniversary of the Calgary Stampede. The sell out 15,000+ seats happened in less then a minute. Garth was recently inducted into the International Songwriters Hall of Fame in New York as well as the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame. In October he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Performing for his induction were his heroes George Strait, James Taylor and Bob Seger.

About Walmart
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) helps people around the world save money and live better – anytime and anywhere – in retail stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, more than 245 million customers and members visit our more than 10,800 stores under 69 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 10 countries. With fiscal year 2013 sales of approximately $466 billion, Walmart employs more than 2.2 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity. Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting, on Facebook at and on Twitter at Online merchandise sales are available at and

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