Friday, November 22, 2013

Your Average Girl... It's time to open my own garage...

I hate to feed into the stereotype that women are bad drivers, but I admit I am not
good.. It’s getting to the point of ridiculous how bad my luck is..
No shame, I am going to blame it on luck… Okay fine, it’s probably just me.
Anyway, got my SECOND flat tire in a week, honestly how does that happen.. Driving
to work and thump, thump, thump…

And to make matters worse, I had just gotten into a fender bender last Sunday on
my way to the NASH FM tailgate at D2 Sports Pub.. Yes you can ask Carson, it’s not
that bad, but you can see the trailer hitch imprint in my license plate.

Any ladies out there know how to put on a spare? Kudos, because I am far from it.

Here’s the deal, I drove my first car for over 7 years, and there was not a spot on that
car that did not have a dent in it. Cut me a break, when I lived in Madison, people
would back into your car without a second thought to parallel-park. And then there

was the time I hit a tree, middle of the day, perfectly sunny day.. Not my finest moment... 
And the semi that cut me off in snow and made me spin around 5 times on the highway 
and stop by hitting a guardrail.

We at that point decided that car was cursed and it was time for a new one. So just
got a new car in January, but nope it was just me.. So far in 10 months of having the
car, I’ve had 3 flat tires, a broken off mirror, replaced brakes, and now a trailer hitch
I am thinking if I put one more dollar in that car this year, I would be better off just
opening a garage so I can get things fixed for free. My stepmom says the first thing she 

would buy if she won the lottery was a personal driver for me, anyone willing to donate
 to the cause?!


Your average terrible girl driver...

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