Tuesday, November 26, 2013

An Average Girl - Can't I just buy new clothes...?

I am currently doing the ever so dreaded chore we like to call: laundry. I
mean does it ever end?! And I am just one person, I am hiring a laundry
lady when (or if) I ever get married and have kids. We will talk about
that situation in a different post, but my mom is convinced I will die
alone by the fact that she suggests a new way of meeting men every time
we talk (which is pretty much every day).

Okay back to the laundry talk, actually as weird as it sounds I love doing
laundry. But my gosh, can someone please come put it away for me?
Yes you heard that right, I actually like doing it.. I don’t know if it goes
back to when I had to share a handful of washers/dryers with a 15 story
apartment complex.. And people would throw your clean, wet laundry
on the floor if you didn’t switch it to the dryer within 5 minutes… And it
cost $1.50 to wash and dry (AND THAT’S EACH!).. $3 for clean clothes,
didn’t they know I was a broke college student..

Maybe it is the luxury of having a personal washer and dryer in my
apartment now, but yes I love the ever-dreaded task. Weird, maybe?!
However, if I could just wear stuff out of the dryer and not have to fold
and put it away, that would be glorious.

I think I have a problem too; I literally refuse to re-wear anything, jeans
especially… Although, I have gotten better than my college days when I
owned 10 towels because I used a new one every time I showered.
So if anyone wants me to do their laundry for them, I would gladly
exchange that for you cleaning my shower (ahhh if there is one chore I
hate…) or taking out my garbage (it’s so far away!).. I am your girl!

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