Thursday, December 19, 2013

I think that there is truth to the fact that Wisconsin girls are something special.

I couldn’t agree more with this picture! A lot of us were raised with small town values but we can
drink any guy under the table. Here are some more perks to the Wisconsin girl:

-One of my favorites when I asked a guy friend to answer “Why Wisconsin girls are
great?”.. “They know how to put up with a Wisconsin guy.” Hey, he said it, not me!
(Funniest part of this… It was actually my ex-boyfriend that made that comment!)

-We are real. I have found that a lot of Wisconsin women are definitely not afraid to
speak their mind. Hey, what’s the point of keeping it all inside? You will know exactly
where you stand with us.

-We are easy to please. No fancy date required. Take us for a date under the stars, and
bam, most romantic guy on earth.

-We aren’t afraid to get dirty. Mud fight, let’s go.

-We are handy. Chances are at some point, we helped our dad fix the car or build

-We actually watch football with you. And know just as much about it. I think it’s safe to
say “Go Pack Go” were my first words.

-Another guy friend said, “She can keep up with the guys and even outdrink them at
times.” Apparently this is a trait we should be proud of. But a Wisconsin girl does know
how to party. Put me in a field with a bonfire or in a country bar dancing, and I have
never been happier!

-We know how to get stuff done. We camp, fish, hunt… (Okay I don’t do any of that but
I have plenty of friends that do!).. But I can kill a mean spider and I have pushed my own
car out of the ditch.

-We are beautiful! Miss America was Miss Wisconsin last year. But yes, this is a
reminder that YOU are beautiful!

-We take everything Luke Bryan tells us to do to heart. Shaking it for you, crashing you
party, drinking a beer, making your speakers go boom boom.

-We (for the most part) aren’t high maintenance. I might be speaking for myself but I
can be ready in a half hour flat and that’s if I am trying. Sweats and hair on top my head,
give me ten minutes and we are out the door.

What else makes us great?

~Your average Wisconsin girl

Really Kat... Really!? Why can't she just use a bike?

The shopping is done and the snow is not!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Nail Painting Dilemma

So I hate having my nails unpainted, I feel naked when they are bare, but why oh
why is it such a hassle?

First, how do salons do it so nice? I look like a 2-year-old coloring outside the lines.
Yes, half the time I just paint on my skin and peel it off once it dries.

Second, painting your dominant hand with your non-dominant hand is about as
tough as college level math. (I am horrible at math so that is saying a lot.)

Third, drying them. I don’t have time for that. I have stuff to do! And no matter how
long I let them dry, it is inevitable I will muff one up!

Then comes the after math…

Why can’t they all chip off at the same time, it’s annoying when half look good, and
half are chipping off!

Nail polish remover… YUCK! Why does it smell so bad? And why is glitter polish the
devil to get off?

Also, please explain to me.. How does polish on my finger nails last 6 days and polish
on my toe nails last 6 months?!

All this pain but yet I continue to do it over and over again, because I wouldn’t want
my dozens of bottles of nail polish to feel abandoned.

Average Girl

She so called it months ago!

B-Niz on a Cold Tuesday

Monday, December 9, 2013

JP and Carson Chat on A Monday Morning

Derr Law Powered Kat Chat

Help Me!

So I was packing to head to my parent’s for an extended weekend, and
as always, I find it necessary to pack basically my whole apartment. I don’t know
if I am just a terrible packer, or need options, or feel like my stuff isn’t going to be
here when I get back. I honestly packed a rolling suitcase (a smaller size one so cut
me some slack), a large tote (that was so heavy I thought the handles were going to
break off), and my purse.

I never pack efficiently either. Especially if I have multiple events going on that I am
packing for, I get super antsy. So is it better to plan out all my outfits or throw in a
plethora of clothes and mix and match from there?

Carson accused me of being a princess last week and I am starting to believe him…
Don’t tell him that.. Or is this just a typical girl thing? Does everyone else over pack?
I went to Ireland last year and fit all my stuff for a week with a variety of different
weather condition outfits in one large rolling suitcase (and it was under 50 lbs so
no extra fees!).. But yet I can’t go away for the weekend with just one bag, someone
explain this to me! Maybe I just need to rationalize what I do and don’t need from
now on..

The Average Girl

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Would it kill ya to take a couple min and put this together?!

  I've spent my entire life here and know all to well the little disasters that mother nature can have in store for you in the Winter... I've seen, first hand, these kits be put into use and it's been on more than one occasion!

Especially if you have small children or are a frail, delicate like a flower Afternoon guy named Eddie.

Take a few min and be safe!


How to Make a Winter Survival Kit
Everyone should carry a Winter Survival Kit in their car. In an emergency, it could save your life and the lives of your passengers. Here is what you need:
  • a shovel
  • windshield scraper and small broom
  • flashlight with extra batteries
  • battery powered radio
  • water
  • snack food including energy bars
  • raisins and mini candy bars
  • matches and small candles
  • extra hats, socks and mittens
  • First aid kit with pocket knife
  • Necessary medications
  • blankets or sleeping bag
  • tow chain or rope
  • road salt, sand, or cat litter for traction
  • booster cables
  • emergency flares and reflectors
  • fluorescent distress flag and whistle to attract attention
  • Cell phone adapter to plug into lighter
Winter Survival Kit

Kit tips:
  • Reverse batteries in flashlight to avoid accidental switching and burnout.
  • Store items in the passenger compartment in case the trunk is jammed or frozen shut.
  • Choose small packages of food that you can eat hot or cold.
911 tips:
  • If possible, call 911 on your cell phone. Provide your location, condition of everyone in the vehicle and the problem you're experiencing.
  • Follow instructions: you may be told to stay where you are until help arrives.
  • Do not hang up until you know who you have spoken with and what will happen next.
  • If you must leave the vehicle, write down your name, address, phone number and destination. Place the piece of paper inside the front windshield for someone to see.
Survival tips:
  • Prepare your vehicle: Make sure you keep your gas tank at least half full.
  • Be easy to find: Tell someone where you are going and the route you will take.
  • If stuck: Tie a florescent flag (from your kit) on your antenna or hang it out the window. At night, keep your dome light on. Rescue crews can see a small glow at a distance. To reduce battery drain, use emergency flashers only if you hear approaching vehicles. If you're with someone else, make sure at least one person is awake and keeping watch for help at all times.
  • Stay in your vehicle: Walking in a storm can be very dangerous. You might become lost or exhausted. Your vehicle is a good shelter.
  • Avoid Overexertion: Shoveling snow or pushing your car takes a lot of effort in storm conditions. Don't risk a heart attack or injury. That work can also make you hot and sweaty. Wet clothing loses insulation value, making you susceptible to hypothermia.
  • Fresh Air: It's better to be cold and awake than comfortably warm and sleepy. Snow can plug your vehicle's exhaust system and cause deadly carbon monoxide gas to enter your car. Only run the engine for 10 minutes an hour and make sure the exhaust pipe is free of snow. Keeping a window open a crack while running the engine is also a good idea.
  • Don't expect to be comfortable: You want to survive until you're found.

No more turkey for you!

Derr Law Powered Kat Chat

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Let’s solve the Decorating Dilemma…

I am all for decorating for Christmas come November 1st, but my roommate is passionate that we have to wait until after Thanksgiving.

Here is my story:

-There is just not enough time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially this year.
 -We are in our twenties, single.. We do not get a real tree. I understand people waiting till after Thanksgiving to get a tree so it does not start to die.
 -For those of you who put up lights.. We do not.. it is too cold come December to spend hours outside doing that.
-We do not decorate for Thanksgiving, seriously for Halloween, we had a single pumpkin decoration, do you think we have Thanksgiving decorations?! So the Christmas stuff would not be overtaking the Thanksgiving stuff.
 -There are so many great Christmas songs that a mere 20-some days to listen to them are not enough! (N’Sync Christmas all day today made my week!)
 -Santas can only stay up until the day after Christmas. New Year’s at best. Not long enough for these poor decorations. They need to see light too.
 -Snowman can stay up all winter, so as soon as it gets below freezing, I say put them out!

Moral of the story, I came back the day after Thanksgiving to decorate and jam out to Christmas music.

What’s your way?

Your Average Girl...

Carrie or Julie!?

Yup, New undies needed!

Music, Movies and More with JP