Thursday, January 30, 2014

A very mild start to the day... In comparison to what we've been experiencing anyway!  The coolest thing about today I think is the fact that it is Thursday and that of course is connected to Friday and we all love the arrival of the weekend!

Chatted a bit about the ACM's nod that were announced yesterday.... I think Kacey is going to clean up at these!  Eddie's got a posting and his predictions on his page and in his blog!  Diamond Rio ticket winning with more of that with Eddie as well!

Have a Great Day and thanks for your time!


Carne Asada Beef Tacos

As you'll see in the video I don't always follow the recipe and I encourage you to do the same...  Consider a recipe more of a guideline than the rule!

I also did forget to drizzle the tomatillo sauce over the tacos in the video but did do it after...

Hope you enjoy!


1 1/2 pounds boneless beef top sirloin, cut into thin bite-size slices                                                

  1. Place sliced meat into a shallow bowl, and season with salt, black pepper, and crushed red pepper. Squeeze the lime juice over the meat, and turn until evenly coated. Cover, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  2. In a blender or food processor, combine tomatillo and jalapeno. Puree for 15 to 20 seconds, or until thick. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Carefully pour in tomatillo mixture. Cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. Stir in beef broth. Reduce heat, and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, or until mixture coats a spoon. Transfer mixture to a serving dish.
  3. Heat tablespoon oil in a large skillet over high heat. Stir in 1/3 of the beef, and saute for 1 minute. Transfer to serving dish. Repeat with remaining beef. Meanwhile, heat tortillas in the oven or microwave, according to package instructions.
  4. To serve, place two tortillas on top of each other. Add desired amount of meat, spoon over some tomatillo mixture. Top with guac, pico, cilantro and Garnish with a wedge of lime, to be squeezed over taco before eating.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday Jan 29

It's always nice knowing you are on the downward side of the week and indeed we are!  Had some fun with Alyssa from Appleton this morning... She had to guess which tooth paste I made up!  See Crest came out with some new flavors and I came up with my own to throw her off... It did not... She picked it out and WON tickets to see Diamond Rio next month!  Enjoy the show girl and thank you so much hanging out this morning on your way to work!

More ticket winning later today with Eddie and tomorrow morning again on my show!

Have A Great Day and we'll chat soon!


Snow Rollers!!?

These things are awesome!  Mother natures attempt at making Frosty!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Jan 28

I think I'm going to plan a trip to Alaska... It's MUCH warmer there!  Flowers are growing, that's how warm it is!

Hope your Tuesday is going well!  Thanks for sharing your day with us!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Jan 27th

The week is off and running and colder than the dickens! I had a good time today keeping JP in a bit of suspense letting him think that I had completely forgot his birthday... I did not! Happy 30th little Buddy!

Spent much of the morning chatting about these crazy temperatures, closings & delays and the craziness that went along with this years Grammy's! It seems like every year is all about topping the weirdness of last years... and it was successful! Very entertaining though, I do have to give them that! Kat sent me a video to share with one and all... Taylor thinking she won when she did not, I kind of liked it!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Nascar Fan Can't Miss!

Questions, Answers and Great Stories of Nascar Past!


General Tso's Chicken/Sweet & Sour Chicken

This was such an easy and delicious recipe!  
I think next time I'm def. going to add some broccoli and green peppers to this.  I think for those whom are looking to cut some of the sugar out as well could probably get away with substituting with pineapple.
Till next time, hope you enjoy it!
  • 3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1½ cup cornstarch
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • ¼ cup canola oil
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 tablespoons ketchup
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon garlic
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces and season with salt and pepper.
  2. In separate bowls, place cornstarch and slightly beaten eggs. Dip chicken into cornstarch then coat in egg mixture.
  3. Heat canola oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat and cook chicken until browned. Place the chicken in a 9 x 13 greased baking dish.
  4. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine sugar, ketchup, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic salt. Pour over chicken and bake for 1 hour.
  5. I stirred the chicken every 15 minutes so that it coated them in the sauce.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't worry, you aren't alone..

So the date is quickly approaching… Doomsday for New Year’s Resolutions.

They say of  the people that make resolutions, about 80% have given up by January 31st. I think we have all been there, have a spectacular January 1-January 1, but then it gets old, boring, or we get too busy.. Have you fallen victim? You’ve got a week to get back on track to separate yourself from the masses.

2013 was the first year I decided not to make a resolution. Instead I decided to make goals for myself. Carson, JP, and I talked about this the day after New Years, and I must admit I have still yet to make my list for the year, which may be why I have had a rollercoaster of a month so far.. So next step after I finish writing, MAKE MY LIST! Someone bug me about it until I do it!

I think we put too much pressure on ourselves when we make a resolution and don’t stick to it. We start to feel bad about ourselves, and then it spirals out of control until we finally just quit the resolution all together.

Instead of saying: My resolution is to lose weight. Why not say: my goal is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Putting a range on it gives you a little leeway if you miss a day, so you don’t beat yourself over it.

Just saying I will eat better is so broad, and then you have one bad meal and feel like you’ve failed yourself.  Instead say: I know I will have a cheat day every once in awhile, but I am only going to have dessert 3 days a week instead of 5.

Small measureable goals. And then adjusting if it doesn’t happen. Put a date on it.. I am going to lose 15 pounds by April 1. For me, I have already lost 7 pounds since January 1, so if I double that by February, well I can adjust on the positive end and say instead of 15, I am going to lose 20 pounds by April.

A popular resolution is: save more, spend less. How are you going to do that? Start a budget, track every dollar you spend. Or for goodness sake, stop buying shoes.. Okay sorry, personal note to myself!

If you have a plan behind your resolution: a goal.. Taking little steps pays off in the long run. Same way anything, positive or negative, compounds over time.  Example: significant other does tiny things that irate you, over time it builds up, and you blow up about nothing at all.. Or on the positive side, you make a quick phone call to an old friend once or twice a week, and in the long run, it strengthens your relationship.

So make small changes instead of a large change all at once. Remember that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so maybe you are going with the habit of working out 3-4 times a week, who needs January 1st, start over now, and you can say you beat the cliché of giving up by January 31..

I could go on and on, but you see what I am saying.. People make the resolutions but have no action plan to back it up.. So make goals instead..

Kind of like a bucket list for the year, new things you want to do or try, new places you want to travel, people you want to get back in touch with, etc!  People make lifetime bucket lists, but why not yearly ones and check things off?!

Like I said I did this last year, and yes, I know I know, next on list, is finally getting to this year’s list.. But after doing it, 2013 was by far the best, most successful, most fun year I have had yet!

Crazy how the 80/20 rule applies to all areas of life?! How are you doing with your resolutions? What tips do you have for keeping them?

Your average girl

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Duo Poopers! I suppose it could make for some interesting conversation?!

So it seems there are going to be some crapper issues in Sochi for the Olympics.... well that is if you are uncomfortable asking the guy next to you for the TP!

Seriously, This is how the commodes are set up!   A journalist Steve Rosenberg tweeted a picture which has quickly spread across the web.  I guess 50 billion dollars get you to many toilets... In one stall that is!

Man I have issues sometimes with the #1 while standing next to someone...  I can't even imagine!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

So we chatted this morning women using the croc tears or batting eyelashes or upheaval of bosom to get out of a ticket!  Had quite the call and story shared with us...  Give it a listen!

I can't believe she got out of this one!


Kat's not down with eaten the kids left over food?! Hmmm

New Dierks and my favorite... The behind the scenes footage!

I personally am very excited to have new DB music on the way!  Dierks has always been on of my favorite artists!  Since way back when... 

Dierks was doing this show and the station I was working for at the time happen to be the host... So I decided to stick around for the show and even hung around after a bit to chat with listeners and DB fans that stuck around for whatever reason...  Well Dierks noticed all the people still standing and came out to do an impromptu meet and greet!  Three hours later every person there had an autograph and a pic with him and when I asked him why he would do something like that he said... "without them, I am nothing"  I will never forget the class and kindness he showed so many that day!

Way to go DB!  Love ya Buddy!  In the words of Ron Burgundy...  "Stay Classy"!


Monday, January 20, 2014

JP's going to be a very happy man!

Jo Dee Messina's Fan-Funded Album Set for March 18 Release

Jo Dee Messina will release her new album, Me, on March 18. The project’s title was chosen by her fans, who helped fund the project through a Kickstarter campaign last year. Jo Dee wrote or co-wrote many of the songs found on the album and she’ll release it on her own newly-established label, Dreambound Records.

“This album is truly for you, the people who appreciate the creative process, as well as my amazing fans,” Jo Dee said. “There’s no question, I wouldn’t be where I am today without your love and support. You’ve been with me since the beginning. This album is a fresh start for me, and I want us to go on this exciting journey together.”

Through Jo Dee’s “My Time. Our Music” Kickstarter campaign, fans helped her surpass her $100,000 goal. According to Jo Dee’s publicist, her campaign was the most successful one to come out of Nashville and, at its completion, was the 15th largest funded music campaign in Kickstarter’s history. Fans were able to use social media to select what songs would be included on the album, submit artwork for her label logo, pick the album title and chose the project’s first single, “Peace Sign.”
After parting from her previous record label, Jo Dee used the time to reflect and put pen to paper. A song found on her new album, “Not Dead Yet,” was born.

“I had been listening to the naysayers around me and thought, ‘I have so much to offer now that I’m free of the restraints I had with my label,’” she said. “I then had a conversation with my friend and co-writer saying, ‘I have so much left to do, so much left to say. Goodness! I’m not dead yet!’ And that is how the song was born. It talks about how if I listened to the small thinkers and naysayers, I might as well throw in the towel. Music is my life, it’s a part of who I am. I’m not ready to give up that part of my life. Hell, I’m just getting started!”

Jo Dee is also a wife and mother of two young sons which inspired a crowd favorite, “A Woman’s Rant.” It was written in just a few minutes during a time when her youngest child wouldn’t sleep longer than a couple of hours at a time.

“One night I was sick and could barely move so I tried to wake up my husband to get the baby, but I couldn’t get him to budge,” she said. “After feeding the baby, burping him, changing him, I was wide awake. That’s when I went downstairs and wrote ‘A Woman’s Rant.’ It’s literally a day in the life of me.”
Jo Dee has always had a personal relationship with her fans. The song “Me” allows them a peek into her more vulnerable side, part of the reason that “Me” was ultimately the winning song when it came time to pick the album’s title.

“The song came about through a conversation with one of my co-writers, Kathie Baillie of Baillie & The Boys, who has a grown daughter,” she said. “I was feeling the stress of trying to be everything to everyone and asked her how she did it. There is a part of me that thinks when I look in the mirror, I should see Wonder Woman. When I see me, it terrifies me. Can I really pull off all the things I have to be to so many? I don’t know. We’ll see. This song gives folks a peek at the vulnerable side of me which isn’t shown that often.”

I didn't even mean to cry...

Knock on wood; I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Don’t let that fool you; I have gotten pulled over my fair share of times. But by being apologetic and cooperative, I have always gotten away with just a verbal or written warning. However, I am not above crying, and I have before.

It wasn’t even an act, just female emotions. I just started crying and the officer must’ve felt bad. 

I don’t always speed but sometimes you just don’t realize you are doing it. I am one of those people that just goes a little bit slower than the person next to me or in front of me, so they would get pulled over first.

Has anyone else gotten out of tickets? How else have you used your womanly charm to get out of something?

Your average girl

She knows how to pick em'!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

From The Packs 1997 2nd Round Draft Pick to Accused Rapist!?


Former NFL superstar Darren Sharper -- a 5-time Pro Bowler and Super Bowl champ -- has been arrested in L.A. on suspicion of rape ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... the 38-year-old was arrested on Friday -- and he's been linked to 2 sexual assaults ... one that occurred in Oct. 2013 and the other in January 2014.

The identity of the alleged victim or victims has not been released.

Sharper was booked at an L.A. jail -- and was released on $200k bail.

Sharper -- a hard-hitting safety who played for the Packers, Vikings and Saints -- is currently an analyst for the NFL Network.

Story developing ..

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

27 Dresses: The Sequel.. Cast me for lead role!

27 dresses 

On Sunday, I just ordered the second of four bridesmaid's dresses for this year!

Most women have seen the movie… but it is happening to me in real life!!! I have already been in 4 weddings to date.. plus I am in FOUR JUST NEXT YEAR.. that is not even counting all the weddings I am invited to.. Plus 3 of them I am standing up in are all within the same month!!

So after next year I will only have 19 to go until I am Katherine Heigl in this movie… My poor bank account.. But don’t get me wrong it is an absolute honor to be a part of four of my best friends’ big days. And I wouldn't trade standing their sides for the world.

Anyway, here is the dilemma, $200 (not even counting if you have to get it altered.. which is the plan for me due to being on a new workout regiment) on a dress you will never wear again.. They are all beautiful (no tacky ones like you hear about or see) so I wish I could, but help me here!

What are your real thoughts? Is it tacky to wear a fancier dress (old bridesmaid dresses) to another wedding? Does it depend how close you are to the person getting married? Granted if I am a date to someone’s sister’s wedding that I have never met before, I am not going to go super fancy. But say it is a cousin’s wedding, is a little fancier okay?

Does the material matter? If it's chiffon could I make it less fancy by taking off length if it's a long dress? Is satin too fancy to wear again, or does it depend on length?!

Also, do I keep all these dresses in hopes that some day they can be re-used? If that is the case, build me a new closet, just for them!

Can we all just have an old-dress-you-are-never-going-to-wear-again party?! Seriously think about it, might be kind of fun..

Your average bridesmaid

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Maybe the tide is changing...

This is such a great and touching story.

I have a pretty good memory of my childhood and the years spent in school.  I remember those moments of being bullied and the sadness that they brought, though at the time I didn't think of them as being "bullied"... Just part of growing up.  Even though I managed to get through it without incident and eventually became the class president and student council member through high school.  I remember those feelings and it kills me to think that my child may have to experience those.  I can only hope that things like this continue to happen and today's children continue to grow into the example that this young man and group of kids are setting!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Overflowing Closet Dilemma

The toughest task of all: Getting rid of clothes

Any other ladies out there despise doing this? I have a walk-in closet so quite a bit of space, but I also have a bit of an online shopping addiction. So I definitely know I need to get rid of things. And I also know donating my clothes would make a lot of people happy. But when it comes time, I just can’t part with anything!

It’s funny because when I go to pick out an outfit, I sit there and complain that I have no clothes. But when I go to get rid of something, I suddenly have an emotional attachment to it.

Also, I always think, “I will wear that some day…” No Sam, you will never re-wear the bridesmaid dress you have hanging in the corner in your closet.

Then I think of going through my mom’s closet to find Halloween costumes with her clothes from the 70’s, etc.. Okay like you really have room to keep that stuff to when your kids are in high school.

My mom wanted me to go through my clothes from my closet back home from high school, okay if I haven’t worn it in a decade, please just make it go away.

I have heard that you should turn your hangers backwards, and when you wear it and put it back, turn the hanger the right way. Anything left backward after 3 months, donate. Anyone try this strategy yet? Do you still debate if you can get rid of it?

~Your average girl with too many clothes

I will even give you a closer look into the problem:
These are only some of the dresses I can't wear 8 months out of the year in Wisconsin!

A girl can never have too many shoes right? Sadly these aren't all of them!

There's no room for more!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Talk about a remarkable coincidence!

Kat's backing Seattle!

Are you into Veggies and healthy food?

This sounds great and if you are looking for some healthier alternatives...  Why not give it a try?

1 Large Head Cauliflower – Trimmed and Cut into florets
¼ Cup Mayonnaise
¼ Cup Parmesan Cheese – Grated
½ tsp. Garlic Powder
½ tsp. Onion Powder
½ tsp. Dried Thyme
¼ tsp. Oregano
¼ tsp. Sea Salt
(2 Tbs. Peace and Love)

Preheat oven to 400° Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

In a large mixing bowl, combine Dijon, mayonnaise, Parmesan cheese garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, Italian seasoning, oregano and sea salt.  Mix until all ingredients are well incorporated.

Add cauliflower florets to bowl and toss in Dijon mixture until all pieces are evenly coated.

Spread cauliflower in a single layer on the parchment paper.  Bake on middle rack for 45 minutes.

Prep Time – 10 Minutes
Cook Time – 45 Minutes

Makes Servings: 4
Per Serving: 
Calories – 195
Protein – 6 g
Carbs – 6 net g
Fat – 13 g