Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome to the New Year!

Hello, hello, hello!

I truly hope the new year is off too a great start! 2013 brought many wonderful things into my life including the opportunity to do the morning show here at Nash FM... Hands down one of the highlights of my life and I so excited to see what 2014 brings me!  Now I'm no BS'er... Well, maybe a little but I do know there were some low spots to but all is for a reason and what doesn't kill me makes me stronger... Right?!  Yeah, sometimes you can't help but question that but I do indeed know it's true!

Thank you again for making myself and the crew here at Nash a part of your day and your life!

I thought I'd toss up a pic of a couple of my favorite Christmas gifts this year!  Yes, hats!  I love hats! And my son Landen and Fiance Lane hit it out of the park with the bad mama-jamas!

As our beloved Stosh would say, "Toodles"!


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