Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Overflowing Closet Dilemma

The toughest task of all: Getting rid of clothes

Any other ladies out there despise doing this? I have a walk-in closet so quite a bit of space, but I also have a bit of an online shopping addiction. So I definitely know I need to get rid of things. And I also know donating my clothes would make a lot of people happy. But when it comes time, I just can’t part with anything!

It’s funny because when I go to pick out an outfit, I sit there and complain that I have no clothes. But when I go to get rid of something, I suddenly have an emotional attachment to it.

Also, I always think, “I will wear that some day…” No Sam, you will never re-wear the bridesmaid dress you have hanging in the corner in your closet.

Then I think of going through my mom’s closet to find Halloween costumes with her clothes from the 70’s, etc.. Okay like you really have room to keep that stuff to when your kids are in high school.

My mom wanted me to go through my clothes from my closet back home from high school, okay if I haven’t worn it in a decade, please just make it go away.

I have heard that you should turn your hangers backwards, and when you wear it and put it back, turn the hanger the right way. Anything left backward after 3 months, donate. Anyone try this strategy yet? Do you still debate if you can get rid of it?

~Your average girl with too many clothes

I will even give you a closer look into the problem:
These are only some of the dresses I can't wear 8 months out of the year in Wisconsin!

A girl can never have too many shoes right? Sadly these aren't all of them!

There's no room for more!

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