Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't worry, you aren't alone..

So the date is quickly approaching… Doomsday for New Year’s Resolutions.

They say of  the people that make resolutions, about 80% have given up by January 31st. I think we have all been there, have a spectacular January 1-January 1, but then it gets old, boring, or we get too busy.. Have you fallen victim? You’ve got a week to get back on track to separate yourself from the masses.

2013 was the first year I decided not to make a resolution. Instead I decided to make goals for myself. Carson, JP, and I talked about this the day after New Years, and I must admit I have still yet to make my list for the year, which may be why I have had a rollercoaster of a month so far.. So next step after I finish writing, MAKE MY LIST! Someone bug me about it until I do it!

I think we put too much pressure on ourselves when we make a resolution and don’t stick to it. We start to feel bad about ourselves, and then it spirals out of control until we finally just quit the resolution all together.

Instead of saying: My resolution is to lose weight. Why not say: my goal is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Putting a range on it gives you a little leeway if you miss a day, so you don’t beat yourself over it.

Just saying I will eat better is so broad, and then you have one bad meal and feel like you’ve failed yourself.  Instead say: I know I will have a cheat day every once in awhile, but I am only going to have dessert 3 days a week instead of 5.

Small measureable goals. And then adjusting if it doesn’t happen. Put a date on it.. I am going to lose 15 pounds by April 1. For me, I have already lost 7 pounds since January 1, so if I double that by February, well I can adjust on the positive end and say instead of 15, I am going to lose 20 pounds by April.

A popular resolution is: save more, spend less. How are you going to do that? Start a budget, track every dollar you spend. Or for goodness sake, stop buying shoes.. Okay sorry, personal note to myself!

If you have a plan behind your resolution: a goal.. Taking little steps pays off in the long run. Same way anything, positive or negative, compounds over time.  Example: significant other does tiny things that irate you, over time it builds up, and you blow up about nothing at all.. Or on the positive side, you make a quick phone call to an old friend once or twice a week, and in the long run, it strengthens your relationship.

So make small changes instead of a large change all at once. Remember that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so maybe you are going with the habit of working out 3-4 times a week, who needs January 1st, start over now, and you can say you beat the cliché of giving up by January 31..

I could go on and on, but you see what I am saying.. People make the resolutions but have no action plan to back it up.. So make goals instead..

Kind of like a bucket list for the year, new things you want to do or try, new places you want to travel, people you want to get back in touch with, etc!  People make lifetime bucket lists, but why not yearly ones and check things off?!

Like I said I did this last year, and yes, I know I know, next on list, is finally getting to this year’s list.. But after doing it, 2013 was by far the best, most successful, most fun year I have had yet!

Crazy how the 80/20 rule applies to all areas of life?! How are you doing with your resolutions? What tips do you have for keeping them?

Your average girl

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