Monday, January 20, 2014

I didn't even mean to cry...

Knock on wood; I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Don’t let that fool you; I have gotten pulled over my fair share of times. But by being apologetic and cooperative, I have always gotten away with just a verbal or written warning. However, I am not above crying, and I have before.

It wasn’t even an act, just female emotions. I just started crying and the officer must’ve felt bad. 

I don’t always speed but sometimes you just don’t realize you are doing it. I am one of those people that just goes a little bit slower than the person next to me or in front of me, so they would get pulled over first.

Has anyone else gotten out of tickets? How else have you used your womanly charm to get out of something?

Your average girl


  1. It's so not fair that this happens! I once spent time in school to become a Police Officer and one of my biggest motivations was because to many women get away with this!! Dang It!!

    1. Like you've never fallen for anything because of the womanly charm act!?!?! You are just jealous you can't get away with it!

    2. No... I have not! Yes I am! It's just not right that a wink of the eyes or upheaval of the boobs can get you out of a sticky situation... Especially if it's something you do often!! How many times have you gotten out of something bad by utilizing one of those two choices?

    3. I am not convinced that you've never fallen for these things! And hey now, I am an angel.. I don't do bad things.. This was ONE TIME that I didn't even mean to cry, and I got out of it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Crying doesn't work on me. As my instructor said in the academy, "The motor vehicle laws are here for your protection and the protection of the motoring public. They are not flexible, nor am I !" (I think he had a thing for Top Gun)
